Embracing Uncertainty
by five to nine
4 years ago

The lesson in this season is teaching me how to embrace uncertainty.
For the first time, I don't know where I am heading. Being someone who likes structure and a roadmap, it's been difficult to settle into that. I've come to realize how truly "in a bubble" I had been living much of my life. This bubble gave me a sense of security and comfortability. I knew I could always fall back into the bubble of certainty because it was always promised, always known, always consistent- and so I did, unaware of how limiting that is. Now, I'm being tested to get out of what the perception of "home" has been for me. Home is a place within yourself. That feeling of being grounded, secure, and safe. Home isn't a place, but rather something you build within yourself and then simultaneously build with someone else. Home is what you make out of the situation you are handed and the cards you are dealt. I guess the narrative comes down to one simple concept "do you want to be a caterpillar or do you want to be the butterfly?" It sounds silly to write- but there is truth in it, if you allow there to be.
Now is the time to truly test how far you can push yourself out of your comfort zone and open yourself up to the love and zest that awaits. There is a power in surrendering to the divine plan of the universe, no matter how uneasy, confused, or uncertain it makes you feel.
One day, you'll awake to discover your life is all you wanted and hoped it would be. It mights not be the way you planned. But you'll awaken to your dreams- dreams of joy, peace, love, and freedom.
Open your heart to uncertainty, and allow your heart to become one.
The rest will follow.
With Love,