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How To Get Back On Track In One Day

How To Get Back On Track In One Day

by five to nine

5 years ago


How To Get Back On Track In One Day

by five to nine

5 years ago

How To Get Back On Track In One Day

For me, I need routine. When I fall out of routine or feel a lack of consistency within my days, I begin to feel out of character and unaligned to my best self. When your in a pivotal life transition (see previous blog post) your routine is naturally bound to be disrupted. Going from the solid 9-5 lifestyle to working for myself is a big adjustment but everyday I am learning and growing from it. 

It's easy to get caught up and even easier to lose sight of the vision and the reason you started in the first place. While I can't undo a night outs worth of regret, I can reset today. I find so much comfort in knowing that I have full control of how I can alter, adjust, and reset my own energy and how I chose to give my energy. Self awareness for me means taking ownership of all of your flaws and mistakes, and using it for growth. 


Today, I am choosing to give myself a little extra TLC and a lot less self criticism and doubt. I invite you to join me for a run through on today's reset and realignment. By no means, does ONE day make anyone the Gandhi of our generation but it is so important to chose one day to just start, and with consistency and self discipline you can be that highest version of yourself for all the days ahead.

How To Get Back On Track In One Day

A guided routine to reset

5:30 AM my new wakeup call. 

via @djerfavenue

Read a section from Journey To the Heart by Melody Beattie. I have read this book many times and it resonates in a new way with me, each time. The book is written on a day by day basis so you can pick it up and follow each day. I often feel that whatever day I am reading, resonates with exactly where I am at in my life. 

Journal- I love to write. I have developed such strong connection with writing from my heart. Unfortunately, I am not able to write durning the mornings or days. I am most creative at night. I sleep with my journal beside my bed and wake up and write. This post came to me after 11pm. For my reset, I like to dedicate some time in the morning to writing out my intentions/goals for the day (see my guided template below.)

Move your body. The rise of at home workouts are becoming more in demand. @melissawoodhealth is great for a quick guided flow. If you can't get into the yoga studio that day, I recommend a guided slow flow. Most days, I prefer to intuitively move my body based on what I feel my body needs that morning. Breath work is essential for my 'intuitive routine'. I like to use this time to control my breathing. Inhale, hold and count down from five then release and feel/visualize the breath moving down your body, releasing all the way to your feet. Repeat. 


Emails. With a clear head, I take the time to respond and review any unanswered emails or any unanswered DMs.

Horoscope check-in. I use the app Co-star and Daily Horoscope to check in and see where my stars fall for the day.

By this time, I've already consumed my first litre of water - yippie!

Organize + plan my digital calendar based on my weekly intention that I set on Monday. I like to use Monday to ask myself what my theme for the week is? Sometimes this theme changes by Wednesday because life happens. I thought Monday my theme would be "what apps I can't live without" and then life happened Wednesday, I drank too much, had a wake up call, and my theme changed to "how to get back on track in one day." So, here we are doing life as it comes and being human! 

"It is important for me to create content that resonates with me in the present moment."

Check in with friends + family. We often get caught up in our own bubble, it's easy to forget that the ones closest to us may be having a personal or silent battle. Or better, maybe they just had a really cool accomplishment! My heart feels so full when I am able to show my love, appreciation, and support for the people closest to me. A simple text message/phone call of affirmation can really go farther than you think. 



From Five To Nine, it's your time!

With Love,