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Love and Comfort

Love and Comfort

by five to nine

4 years ago


Love and Comfort

by five to nine

4 years ago

Love and Comfort

As anxiety, fear, and uncertainty increases it is only natural to feel doubtful and lose sight of your optimal state of being- mind, body, and soul. While we don't have much of a choice other than to sit with ourselves, you may notice a variety of sensations, thoughts, emotions that are trying to surface. When something feels uneasy or strikes a memory or cord in your body, a natural reaction is to repress. In my experience with deep healing, I am an example of repression. With work, you can reverse this reaction and train yourself to allow the emotion/feeling to surface. Don't judge it, simply obverse it and feel what you need to feel. Then let it go.


Any sort of healing work may feel uncomfortable or unfamiliar at first, and you may need to put a couple of things on hold in order to give yourself the full energy and love to yourself. 

Use this space and time to be selfish with your needs and give yourself that extra self care that you need.  What brings you comfort? Maybe it is a warm cup of tea, your favorite book, wrapping up in a blanket and listening to music. Wherever you find comfort, be still with that. 

We hear often  "the most important relationship you have is the one you have with yourself."  Allow yourself to disconnect for as long as your body and soul needs so that you can then be the best you can be.

Check in with yourself before you check in with friends, family, or your partner. Scan your body. How does it feel? What does it need? Understand that this isn't selfish but essential for your relationships to thrive.

Our heart chakra is linked to love, compassion, and empathy.


We can tap into the heart chakra at any moment to enhance feelings of love, joy, hope, and empathy. When the heart chakra is blocked, we revert to fear-based thoughts and emotions. Anxiety can weigh heavy on the chest. When we are presented with fear, we must revert back to love.

Opening the Heart Chakra : 

via Society19 

You can meditate deeply into the heart, imagine it opening and radiating love for yourself and for others.  

Visualization with Colour. You can imagine your aura being a bubble of pink light. This light provides love, and warmth. As you meditate, use your breath to breathe in a green light. Green is associated with the feeling of comfort. Using your breath, feel the heart opening as you visualize the green light.

via @starlisandthegalaxy

Use crystals. Rose quartz is a stone known as the ultimate self-love crystal, providing healing energy linked to the heart chakra. I like to place a Rose Quartz directly over my heart right before bed and allow myself to absorb the healing benefits of the crystal. In the heart chakra we store fear, anxiety, and broken trust. Rose quartz can be used to help us accept past hurts, forgive ourselves and others, and ultimately restore trust.

 Journal. The best time to write is after you meditate. Your mind is clear and you are able to process more thoughts and emotions that arise. When they arise, allow yourself to feel what you need to feel and then write them down as a release. In my experience, writing things down will give the thought or emotion a home rather than allowing it to live inside the body. 

The more love and care you are giving to yourself, the more love and care you can give to others.