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Signs You Are Going Through A Transition

Signs You Are Going Through A Transition

by five to nine

4 years ago


Signs You Are Going Through A Transition

by five to nine

4 years ago

Signs You Are Going Through A Transition

As women, we are naturally empathic. We are able to absorb and feel the energy of life around us. We are driven by two forces - our feminine and masculine. We call it “Greater Yin.” Yin refers to the feminine energies in life, and yang refers to the masculine energies in life. When we feel inclined to give, this action stems from of divine masculine, and receiving is an action of our divine feminine. When we tap into both and learn to understand both- we become harmonized and one step closer to our truest selves. Same applies for light and darkness. We must learn to acknowledge and understand both, because after all us women offer so much complexity. 

We are in a constant state of transition. Maybe you are starting a new job, leaving a job, moving in or out, ending or forming a relationship. Wherever you are in your journey, is exactly where you need to be. When we undergo these physical and emotional changes, we are also experiencing a spiritual shift. 

Signs you are experiencing a spiritual/life transition:

You feel uncomfortable or uneasy.

Yes, this is completely normal. Discomfort means the shift is coming. You are being placed out of your comfort zone to expand. Let this transition occur naturally. Feel the feelings of discomfort, ease, and fear - then let it go. 

You feel a block.

“Writer's block” is a real thing. I had it for the last couple weeks until I could sit down and write this. The same theory applies during a state of spiritual transition. You feel an internal or mental block and you are not sure where it comes from or why it's there but it is incredibly frustrating. We are naturally creative forces and when you feel this onset blockage the only thing you can do is give yourself some extra comfort and compassion. Don’t force yourself out of it. 

You feel like your world is falling apart.

Disclaimer: it’s not - it’s coming together and unfolding right before you.


You’re in a constant state of self doubt

One day you feel like your dream is a touch away and the next day it feels unattainable. Often when we are going through a major life transition, everything happens all at once or not at all. You may feel disillusioned with pressure to make vast decisions, so you make those choices or send those text messages without any hesitation because you really don’t have the time to process much. Did I make the right choice? Should I have left my job? Is this really want? Is this the relationship I want to be in? Should I have texted him that? It all sounded so good at the time you said it. So why does it feel so 'wrong' now? That is the trick self-doubt plays on you. The more you learn to tap into your inner voice and see with the eyes of your heart you can then train yourself to trust that whatever you feel or say in the moment is always the right choice. Reminder: you are reacting out of gut instinct- not impulse. 

Every transition - big or small is bringing you back home to yourself.

With Love,