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Set Simple Goals

Set Simple Goals

by five to nine

4 years ago


Set Simple Goals

by five to nine

4 years ago

Set Simple Goals

With a universal shift taking place before us all, it is a time we not only "stay in" but we go in. The more we collectively send out thoughts and energy of healing, love, and compassion - we too can overcome anything.

We are being forced to get in touch with parts of ourselves we never even knew existed. Anxiety and fear are at an all time high but to surrender to love, healing, and calmness is far more powerful. The spiritual experience is you.

"When you look for holy ground, look down. That's where your spiritual experience takes place. Right where you're standing, wherever you are now."

- Melody Beattie.

Where do you get your energy? 

Examine and understand what fuels you, revitalizes you, refreshes you, renews you.

Who does it feel good to be around? What activities make you feel better?

Now, more than ever, opt to make yourself feel like home. Build a home within yourself. This home doesn't need to have three garages, and a luxury car parked out front. This home is meant to be simplistic and pure. 

Here are some simple ways to set daily goals for yourself

Sit on your balcony and paint your nails.

Then feel good about what you just accomplished. You gave that time to yourself.

Make a big bowl of spaghetti. 

And throw some extra parmesan on it. Enjoy every bite! Plant-based can wait.

Take up a new hobby. 

Try something new! Paint a picture, colour something, play tick tack toe with your partner, start a puzzle, bake a cake.

Learn something new.

Watch a Youtube video on how to do a cool new makeup trick you've been wanting to try - then try it.

Drink a litre of water.

Then go back to bed and don't be hard on yourself about it- after all, you just finished a litre of water.

Hug your animals.

Animals are our biggest teachers of unconditional love.